• To assist and support all DI & VFX ASSSOCIATION
  • Employees on day to day Works and requirements.
  • To guide in health Care benefits and awareness drives.
  • To do welfare, Medical, Insurance and other activities for the welfare
    of the Association.
  • To strive to overcome hurdles of the rights for retirement benefits.
  • Helping our fraternity family members’ Windows and dependents, how to get pension benefits.
  • To promote close co-operation between members and to render all
    possible advice and guidance to members and promote safeguard of
    our members.
  • To promote and encourage oneness among the members and to build
    the spirit of cooperation.
  • To provide financial assistance to members of the association.
  • Family get-together to bring closeness among the members and
  • To establish, maintain and reinforce contacts with and to render help
    and assist to all members in the problems.